Thai Marriage Visa extension

Thai Marriage Visa extension

Visa Extension
The Thai Marriage Visa or “O” visa is usually issued by the Thai Embassy as a single entry visa. That means that the Marriage Visa issued is only good for 90 days stay in Thailand upon entry. The Marriage Visa may be extended inside the country at any Thai Immigration offices for 1 year at a time with the following rules in place. The visa rules do change so this is only good as at the time of writing . Thai Immigration may somehow change the process and also the income levels, so speak to a visa lawyer in Thailand about any new changes to the rules. The rules or requirements for the Thai Marriage Visa extension are as follows: These are the requirements for the extension of the Thailand…
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Death in Thailand : Repatriation

Death in Thailand : Repatriation

Thai Law
If you are on holiday or an expatriate in Thailand and die while in Thailand normally your embassy in Bangkok will assist your family in returning your body back to your home country. This is rather costly and most people op on having a cremation done in Thailand and taking the ashes back home for a formal funeral. Should a relative of yours die while in Thailand, Immigration has provided the following procedures for foreigners to follow in order to repatriate the mortal remains of the relative. Normally your embassy would do most of the work as it needs a death certificate for the person and all members of the family need to be notified. This is what the embassy is in Thailand for and this is called consular assistance.…
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Thailand Immigration : Basic Rules

Thailand Immigration : Basic Rules

Thai Law
This is simply a reminder of some of the basic rules which are commonly broken in Thailand and which Thai Immigration takes a dim view of. The first is covered in Section 37, which states that if you have been granted a temporary stay in Thailand, you are not permitted to take up employment without apply for a Thai Work Permit. The second part of the basic rules is that you have to inform Thai Immigration where you reside at all times. Should you move to a new address, you have to notify Thai Immigration within 24 hours of the move. The rules and penalties are follows: You will not engage in employment with permission - being having a work permit. Should you take up employment with a work permit…
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