Thai Embassy – Sweden

Thai Embassy – Sweden

Thai Embassy
Below are the contact details for the Thai Embassy in Sweden. If you have any questions about your Thailand visa application, please fill out the form provided by Siam Legal on the right side. SWEDEN Royal Thai Embassy Eloragatan3, 11431, Stockholm Box 26220 100 40 Tel: (46-08) 791-7340 Fax: (46-08) 791-7351 Other Related Resources: Retirement in Thailand  
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Thai Embassy – United Kingdom

Thai Embassy – United Kingdom

Thai Embassy
This is the contact details for the Thai Embassy in London. Most Thai visas are however issued at the Thai Embassy in Hull. The contact details for the Thai Embassy in Hull is as follows and listed here. The following is the contact details for London. UNITED KINGDOM Royal Thai Embassy 1-3 Yorkshire House, Grosvenor Crescent, London SWIX7EBP Tel: (0171) 259-5051, 259-5005 Fax: (0171) 235-9808 Other Related Resources: Thai Embassy in Hull  
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Thai Embassy – United States

Thai Embassy – United States

Thai Embassy
Below are the contact details for the Thai Embassy in Washington DC in the United States of America. If you have immigration related concerns, please fill out the form provided by Siam Legal on the right side of this page. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Royal Thai Embassy 1024 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Suite 401, Washington, D.C. 20007 Tel: (202) 944-3600 Fax: (202) 944-3611 Other Related Resources: Thai Embassy in Los Angeles  
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Extension of your VOA

Extension of your VOA

Visa Extension
There are different Thai visas and each Thai visa has it own procedure to extend its validity,  This is a very brief overview of what is needed to have each one extended and what the documents that you will be required to have.   Can a Visa on Arrival (VOA) be extended?   That is a very common question and the answer is both yes and no. The VOA cannot be extended in general. Should you however not be able to travel, the VOA may be extended by Thai Immigration. The grounds are normally on the bases of medical grounds. As an example, you suffer a heart attack during the course of your stay in Thailand, Thai Immigration will extended the VOA until such time that you are able to…
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Extension Visa : Tourist Visa

Extension Visa : Tourist Visa

Visa Extension
This is one of the most common forms of Thai Visas issued by the Thai embassies worldwide. Most Thai Tourist Visas are either single entry, 60 days or double entry - valid for 120 days based over two legs. Today this has become very difficult to obtain in Asia except for the Thai Embassy in Perth and the Thai Embassy in Auckland. You can still at last we heard obtain one at the Thai Embassy in Hull and at the Thai Embassy in Los Angeles. If you have problems obtaining a visa for Thailand then speak to us online for assistance as the Thai government is cutting down on what they call visa abuse. Can the Thai Tourist Visa be extended? Yes, the Tourist Visa can be extended for a…
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Extension of Thai “B” Visa

Extension of Thai “B” Visa

Visa Extension
The Thai "B" or Business Visa can be extended to a one year visa in country as follows. The extension of the visa is normally based on employment and as such there are certain regulations governing the company who is employing you. Speak to us about a work permit in Thailand and how best to avoid the normal problems with the extension of the business visa in Thailand. The rules in Thailand with regards to the visa process and also the work permit process does change. 5 years ago to have a work permit issued took 2-3 weeks yet today it now takes less than 5 days to complete the process. Also the cancellation of the work permit and the visa has in recent years become a problem as the…
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Thai Child Dependency Visa

Thai Child Dependency Visa

Visa Extension
Dependency would form the bases for the extension of an "O" visa.  If you have a Thai child or children you may stay in Thailand based on dependency. You would apply for an "O" visa based on having a minor child in Thailand. There are certain regulations governing this stay. You would apply for an "O" visa a Thai embassy abroad which is valid for 90 days and extend it in country thereafter. Speak to a lawyer if you are not certain. If the children are at school you will need school reports to show that the child is in school and also a letter from the school to confirm that you have a child at the school. Again, rules in Thailand change every 2-3 years so speak to us…
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Residence Certificate Issuance

Residence Certificate Issuance

Visa Extension
There are 4 types of the Residence Certificate and replacement paper, which are issued for alien as follow. 1. Residence Certificate (TM. 15), red cover 2. Residence Certificate (TM. 16), dark blue or black cover 3. The Replacement of Residence Certificate (TM. 17), white cover 4. Residence Certificate charge exemption (TM. 16 EX), dark blue cove 1. Residence Certificate (TM. 15) This certificate is issued for alien who is permitted to stay in the Kingdom before the enforcement of the provision mentioned that the alien must apply for the Residence Certificate. 1.1 Concerned Regulations and Laws 1.1.1 Act of Immigration B.E. 2522 (1979) Section 50 1.1.2 Ministerial Regulation No. 12 (B.E. 2529) issued under Act of Immigration B.E. 2522 1.1.3 Rules of Police, not concerning with case, nature 34, chapter…
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