Thai Embassy – US

Thai Embassy – US

Thai Embassy
Here is some general information if you’re looking for information about the Thai Embassy in the United States: Washington, DC’s Royal Thai Embassy, Washington, DC 20007, 1024 Wisconsin Avenue NW The embassy can be reached by phone at (202) 944-3600 or via email at [email protected]. The embassy offers a number of services, such as consular assistance, passport renewals, and visa applications. For additional information about the embassy’s services, business hours, and contacts for the consular section, go to its website at It is recommended to get in touch with the embassy directly if you require more detailed information or support. In the US, there are a number of Thai embassies and consulates, including: 1. Embassy of the Royal Thai in Washington, D.C. Washington, DC 20007; 1024 Wisconsin Avenue NW Phone: (202) 944-3600 Web address: 2. Los…
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COVID-19 Insurance for Entering Thailand

COVID-19 Insurance for Entering Thailand

Thai Immigration
Entering Thailand got stricter with their safety precautionary measures in an attempt to decrease the number of Covid-19 infections, more likely in an attempt to stop the infections from spreading. Part of that safety precautionary measure is the government requiring foreign travelers to have Covid-19 insurance. Know that this is also important to obtain some of the other important documents needed in entering Thailand, like Thailand Pass. Travelers will benefit from Covid-19 insurance for less worry travel in Thailand. Less worry in terms of medical expenses that one will have in case of contracting the virus within the country. Covid-19 Insurance This requirement is expected to cover at least $20,000, covering both inpatient and outpatient treatment of Covid-19 infection. It will cover the cost of medicines prescribed, treatments, care by…
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Thailand: 90 day reporting

Thailand: 90 day reporting

Thai Visa
90 day Reporting - Thailand Those with an extended visa in their passport, need to report to Thai Immigration every 90 days, This is normally done in person, however Thai Immigration allows you to do your 90 day reporting via registered mail. The procedures to complete your 90 day reporting via registered mail is done as follows: Send the following documents to Thai Immigration: 90 Day Registration Room 311, Immigration Bureau Soi Suan Pluu South Sathorn Road Bangkok 10210 Enclose the following: - 1 photocopy of the photo page of your passport. - 1 photocopy of the page containing your most recent entry visa. - The original of your most recent 90-day registration receipt. - The original of your new 90-day; registration receipt. Don't forget to sign it! - A…
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Thai Embassy – Australia

Thai Embassy – Australia

Thai Embassy
If you are in Australia you can contact the Thai embassy in Australia on the following contact details.The embassy in Canberra normally deals with any Thai visa to be issued. Speak to us online if you have more questions. AUSTRALIA (Commonwealth of Australia) Royal Thai Embassy 111 Empire Circuit Yarralumla, A.C.T., 2600 Canberra Tel: (06) 273-1149, 273-2937 Fax: (06) 273-1518
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Thai Embassy – Belgium

Thai Embassy – Belgium

Thai Embassy
The following is the current contact details for the Thai embassy in Belgium. Call them for more details. If you want to know more about Thai law and Thai visas then speak to us online today about Thai property, divorce in Thailand, marriage registration in Thailand, and more. BELGIUM Royal Thai Embassy 2 Square du Val de la Cambre, Brussels Tel : (322) 640-6810, 640-1986, 640-0716 Fax : (322) 648-3066  
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Thai Embassy – France

Thai Embassy – France

Thai Embassy
Paris is home to the Thai embassy in France. If you have questions about a Thai Visa, business visa or marriage visa then speak to us online today about your interest in Thailand. You can also visit this website for citizens of France who are planning on getting a visa to Thailand. THAILAND SERVICES JURIDIQUES THAÏLANDE VISA POUR LES CITOYENS FRANÇAIS CONTENTIEUX EN THAÏLANDE DROIT DE LA FAMILLE DES AFFAIRES EN THAILANDE   FRANCE (France Republic) Royal Thai Embassy 8 Rue Greuze 75116 Paris - France Tel : (0156) 265050 Fax : (0156) 260445
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Thai Embassy- Greece

Thai Embassy- Greece

Thai Embassy
Here are the telephone and street address of the Thai Embassy in Greece. If you are looking for advice on retirement in Thailand or buying property then speak to us online today about your Thai investment questions. Here are the details. GREECE (Hellenic Republic) Royal Thai Embassy 23 Taigetou Street, P.O.Box 65215, Paleo Psychico, 15452, Athens Tel : (301) 671-7969, 671-0155, 685-5155 Fax : (301) 647-9508  
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Thai Embassy – Hungary

Thai Embassy – Hungary

Thai Embassy
If you are looking for the details for the Thai Embassy in Hungary then the details of the embassy are listed below. If you want to know about marriage in Thailand, Thai retirement visa from Chiang Mai or buying property in Chiang Mai, Thailand then speak to Law Firm online. See their main website for more details. HUNGARY (Republic of Hungary) Royal Thai Embassy Vereeke Ut.79, 1025 Budapest Tel : (361) 325-9892-3, 325-9903 Fax : (361) 325-9886  
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